Development of Will Power
Developing will-power can be accomplished by the following:
- By Keeping a finger, hand, foot, head or eye fixed in one position for a period of time and gradually increasing this period.
- To sit or stand in any prescribed pose for a period of time which is to be increased by degrees.
- To keep one or both hands raised or standing on one foot for a period of time.
- To sit in the hottest sun for a period of time which must be increased by degrees.
- Keeping awake for a certain period during sleeping time and increasing this period by degrees.
- Sitting erect with out moving for a certain period and increasing this period by degrees.
And by going against desire, by the following:
- Restraining of speech when you are inclined to gossip.
- To avoid immediate eating when the food is tempting.
- To avoid immediate smoking when there is a desire to smoke.
- To avoid immediate drinking when you feel the need to drink.